Limited edition pie: Spinach, Ricotta and Tomato

August 23, 2022

Limited edition pie: Spinach, Ricotta and Tomato

Here at Lochinver Larder, we like to mix up the menu now and again.

The best way for us to do this is by introducing our limited edition pie every few months: something delicious, a little bit special, and therefore only around for a limited amount of time.

Recently, our pie makers have been busy in the kitchen, perfecting recipes, testing new concoctions and tasting all sorts of combinations to get this right. They have the best job!

And our latest pie is delivering all the above and more.

Suitable for, but by no means restricted to, vegetarians, this pie is our Lochinver take on a classic pie.

Full to the brim with fresh spinach, creamy ricotta and juicy tomato, and not forgetting our signature mouth-watering pastry, this is a treat for the senses. Balance is key for us here, and we’re happy to say we’ve got the recipe just right. It’s one of our favourites!

Served hot or cold, this pie never fails to satisfy, with its hearty pastry and delicate but indulgent filling.

While we can’t bottle up the incredible smells that come from our kitchen when this pie is busy cooking away, we can box the pies up and have them delivered to your front door within a matter of days. Don’t be fooled by our location in the Highlands: you can get access to them whether you’re in Northumberland, Cornwall, the Welsh Valleys, or anywhere in between.

Simply pop it in the oven and get ready to go to pie heaven.

It’s a known fact that we take pride in our pies: each one is made by hand, the pastry rolled daily, and the all-important crimping process nailed down to a T. It’s a process made with love. In our recent blog, The Filling Factor, we go through in detail what goes into a Lochinver Larder pie, and what makes them so special.

This succulent pie is only available throughout August, so make sure you place an order for one of these quickly – you don’t want to miss out!

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These pies are to die for! We made a special trip to Lochinver Larder on the NC500 and it didn't disappoint us! There are so many to choose from and I bet each one is amazing! Great little view next to the river made it even nicer!
Pie Loving Customer